Your questions, our answers
FAQ about lipo-protect
There is a lot to discover at lipo-protect. If you want to inform yourself quickly but thoroughly, take a look at our FAQ. Here we have deposited your most burning questions with answers. If your question does not appear, please contact us.
lipo-protect | FAQ - common questions
Complication costs insurance lipo-protect
1. What does the follow-up costs insurance lipo-protect cover?
The lipo-protect follow-up costs insurance covers all medically necessary treatments following surgical lipedema therapy. In other words, it covers any treatment designed to restore the patient's regular state of health or prevent it from deteriorating if it is impaired as a result of complications following liposuction.
2. What is the procedure for reimbursement of follow-up costs?
Costs for treatment of a medical complication in a private hospital are insured up to 10.000 EUR. In the case of complication treatment in a public hospital, the settlement must be made via your insurance card. We will reimburse you for the cost sharing that your health insurance company subsequently charges you.
3. When should I take out the insurance?
You can complete lipo-protect at any time before your planned treatment. In theory, you would still have time until the evening before your surgery. Unfortunately, you can no longer take out a policy for this retroactively after the operation.
4. Up to what amount of subsequent costs am I insured?
lipo-protect insurance covers costs for treatments that arise due to complications after lipedema liposuction and which are not covered by health insurance. We reimburse up to 250.000 EUR in follow-up treatments, and the costs of private outpatient services are insured up to 10.000 EUR.
5. How long is lipo-protect active?
The insurance runs for at least one year from the desired start date. After that, the contract is automatically renewed and you can cancel monthly. An email to is sufficient
6. Can I renew the insurance?
At the end of the minimum term of one year, you can continue lipo-protect under the known conditions - you don't have to do anything - or cancel it monthly.
7. What payment methods are available to me?
We either debit the insurance premium from your account by SEPA direct debit or charge your credit card.
8. What is lipo-protect Plus?
If you are planning to undergo tightening operations in conjunction with lipedema treatment, you can also insure these with the lipo-protect Plus option in case medical complications arise unexpectedly.
1. What is lipedema?
In lipedema, subcutaneous fatty tissue increases pathologically on the limbs - mostly on the legs, less frequently on the arms. The trunk, hands and feet remain slim. Lipedema should not be confused with obesity, which results from a poor diet or too little exercise.
2. By what symptoms do I recognize lipedema?
In lipedema, in most cases, it is mainly the legs, hips and buttocks that are affected by an increase in fat. In this way it is distinguished from pure obesity, which occurs proportionally all over the body. Slight dents are formed in the early stages, which in the course of time may increase and become coarse nodules.
Sufferers feel a sensation of pressure or tightness, as well as pain, which can increase throughout the day. Fluid retention, bruising, spider veins and bruising are also common lipedema symptoms.
3. How does lipedema develop?
Doctors usually distinguish between three stages of lipedema:
Stage 1: thick and supple subcutaneous fat, small nodules, smooth skin.
Stage 2: thick and supple subcutaneous fat, large nodules, irregular appearance of the skin.
Stage 3: thickened and hardened skin tissue, large nodules, skin flaps and fat bulges are formed
4. What are the methods of treatment?
Conservative lipedema therapy focuses on alleviating the symptoms. It includes, for example, lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, wearing support stockings, etc.
The most effective treatment method is considered to be a surgical procedure in which the doctor sucks out fat cells. Depending on the severity of the lipedema, one or more liposuctions are necessary to achieve the desired result.
5. Can men also suffer from lipedema?
Men are rarely affected by lipedema. In most cases, the fat distribution disorder in men usually occurs in conjunction with other factors that disrupt hormone metabolism (e.g. testosterone deficiency due to liver damage, hormone therapy for prostate cancer, etc.).
In addition, the tendency to lipedema is probably also genetically determined. The disease is therefore hereditary.
6. Is lipedema treatment covered by health insurance?
Under certain conditions, yes. It may be that in some countries health insurance companies cover liposuction for lipedema under certain conditions. This could be the case, for example, if there is a confirmed diagnosis of an advanced stage of lipedema. However, the exact handling and requirements may vary depending on the country. For more detailed information, you should ask your health insurance company.
Liposuction, Liposculpture
1. What happens during liposuction?
During liposuction - also called liposuction, liposculpture or bodystyling - the surgeon removes the body's own fat cells. Their number and distribution in the human body is genetically determined, but also partly determined by diet.
There are different methods of liposuction. In the case of lipedema, the tumescent technique is often used. Here, the doctor first introduces a mixture of fluids into the affected tissue. This is to make it easier for the fatty tissue to later detach from the subcutaneous connective tissue.
After an exposure time of about one hour, the surgeon pushes suction cannulas into the fatty tissue, with which he removes the fat cells.
2. Can the liposuctioned fat cells reform?
No. The liposuctioned fat cells cannot form again, as the number of fat cells is genetically determined. However, if you gain weight, the remaining fat cells will grow. Therefore, liposuction is no guarantee of staying slim forever - and it is important to avoid major weight fluctuations for a harmonious long-term appearance.
3. How many areas can be suctioned at the same time?
An exact figure cannot be given here, this always depends on the amount of fat cells to be suctioned. As a rule, a realistic upper limit of 3 liters should not be exceeded.
4. When will the final result be visible?
Immediately after liposuction there is swelling and possibly bruising, which will pass after a few weeks. The final result is visible after about three to twelve months.
5. Will visible scars remain after liposuction?
Scars may remain. However, these are usually so small (0.5 cm) that they are not noticeable after complete healing. In addition, the treating surgeon takes care to make the tiny incisions in the most "hidden" places possible.
6. How does the tissue behave after liposuction? Is it tightened as a result?
The skin quality itself does not change due to liposuction. Sagging skin must recede after surgery, for this it must be elastic and healthy. Patients with severely sagging skin can have tightening surgery.
7. How much fat can usually be removed during liposuction?
Up to three liters can be removed per outpatient liposuction. Larger amounts increase the risk of complications occurring.
8. How do I prepare for the surgery?
14 days before liposuction you should not take any drugs that delay blood clotting, e.g. aspirin. You should also avoid alcohol and nicotine. It is important that you do not put any cream on the day of the operation and do not use any oily shower gel.
9. What complications can occur?
With liposuction, the risks are quite low. However, as with any surgical procedure, isolated complications may occur.
These include:
Wound healing disorders
Swelling and bruising (usually goes away on its own)
Formation of blood clots (thrombosis)
The attending physician will discuss possible risks with you during the consultation and preparation sessions.
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like personal advice. (we speak English)

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